5 Ways to Personalize Your Marketing in 2020

Everyone gets personalized ads and content curated directly to how you shop and behave online now. This type of marketing is a lot more efficient and it focuses exactly on that person and their interests, rather than “shot in the dark” online marketing. Presently, you can now choose exactly who you want to target by age, location and even gender. We gathered five of the best ways you can personalize your marketing for your company in 2020.
1. First identify what you want to achieve with this type of personalized marketing. This is so important to the process so you have a concrete idea as to what you want accomplished through your marketing (ie. More views to your website, greater brand loyalty, or more purchases). Knowing what you want going into this will guide you through these processes and help you to better make decisions about the type of content you are sending out and exactly to who.
2. Gather your data or collect more data! Your business should be constantly collecting data on your customers and target customers and potential customers. If you don’t do this yet, there is no worries, it is never too late to start and with the speed of technology, you will be caught up in no time. Data is so important to learn about the type of customer you are looking for, to know what they are interested in and what would grab their attention. An example of this would be to send current clients a short questionnaire about certain characteristics about your clients that you want to identify. Survey Monkey and Google forms offers great options for surveys. Having a profile on clients helps you to identify the similarities across clients.
3. Use your prospect or customers name! Whether you are sending out an e-blast or writing to them on social media, it is so important to make it sound like the message is coming from a real person rather than a brand. It creates a personal connection with your client. They will also be more likely to remember their experience or respond to it if they feel as though you are talking directly to them.
4. Persona-based content. Basing your ads and content based on what your most-likely client looks like is a great way to bring more traffic to your product, business, or page. This is because once you identify who you are trying to target, you can hit on specific grabbing points for that type of person, based on their interests and demographic.
5. Responding on social media. Most of the communication now between clients and companies is done on social media. Whether through a direct message, a comment or even through Yelp or Trip Advisor, clients are constantly searching, reviewing, and commenting on other peoples’ experiences with your company. Having a voice on social media to respond to these clients is so important.
Using these ways, we are sure you will have the best outcome with your marketing campaigns and be able to generate more visits to your site! Enjoy!