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Can You Change Your Marketing Habits? 

Are you tired of overthinking marketing and holding yourself back? Me too! Let's conquer marketing one micro marketing task at a time. Sign up for my three-day challenge and see if you can change your marketing habits (like I did)! 

The three-day challenge includes a micro marketing task delivered to your inbox each day! 


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Challenge One is in your inbox!

what is micro

What is Micro Marketing?

Micro marketing is all about achieving marketing success and consistency through small, manageable tasks each week. By simplifying our approach and avoiding overthinking, we become more productive and effective in our marketing efforts.

As a business owner and marketing coach for 10+ years, I understand the challenges small businesses face. We all want to promote our businesses, but we often struggle with limited time and feeling overwhelmed by the many marketing options available.


Hence, why I created this challenge!  To teach you that by committing to small tasks, you can achieve significant results while reducing stress and overwhelm.

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